
Monday, September 27, 2010

Man vs. Food

I watched 3 episodes of Man vs. Food last night while trying to upload this video (An error message kept popping up). Some highlights- he ate a 10 lb. pizza in Cincinnati, a 7 lb. meal in Anchorage and a 6 lb casserole somewhere else. Television at its best.

I feel like there should be a disclaimer before this video- I woke up at 11 yesterday, went back to sleep at 12 and woke up right before this run. Right before this run.

Ohh, Monday.
Have a good one, guys.


  1. You failed to mention that you ran another 4 MILE run!!! Woo-hooooooooo, Sterling!!!! And, I am so impressed with our wound care...maybe I should be a nurse...if only I didn't get the willies from needles and blood. oh well. next weekend...5 miles!!! :) You're doing awesome. :)

  2. You and your sister-in-law are not well!
    Ash, I too would have taken your call!
    No "cred" to Maple during your cool down?

  3. HAHAHAHA ewwwww!!!! Favorite part: I bet they just couldn't get their windows down fast enough for me!" Once again I am eating while I watch you exercise. My life is a huuuge joke stop being busy at 3pm Monday Wednesday so I can tell you all about it!!!
