
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Meet The Kiddos

Skipped my run today... should I not joke about that?
Ran this morning, thanks to Kristen.
I was sitting on the couch, stalking via facebook, watching The Today Show, eating Chips Ahoy... at 9 am and Kristen comes in after having finished her run, all glowing and happy and productive, and is like "You should go run now because it's going to get hot." You don't know how hard it was to peal my eyes from a friend's aunt's ex-boyfriend's facebook wall and head out into the hood, but I did.
And I rocked it.

So I wanted you guys to get to know my best friends (literally, my best friends since everyone else is getting their edjumications in college). I'm allowed to post pictures of them, but I can't post their real names because Heart House doesn't want you to kidnap them and claim them as your own- you'll want to after seeing them, believe me)

Ohh, how I love this kid. He can go from crying to laughing to sweetly asking you to draw him a picture in 2.5 seconds. One day Ms. Anne was teaching the kids a lesson and he was being a little rambunctious so she said that he had lost 5 minutes off free time and he started trying to negotiate his punishment. He was like "Nooo, I don't want a popsicle today. Don't give me a popsicle." (They get popsicles at the end of program each day)

This is the soccer stud. His birthday is in a couple weeks ("This saturday, ya know? The saturday after this one") I asked him if I could come. He said yes, but I would have to drive my car there.

Connect Four. I let them win usually... I swear.

My Spanish tutor! Abeja is bee. Morado is violet. Clearly we are making progress.

Must I say it? He is a genius. How do you remember your right and left? Write it on your shins in Sharpie. Oh, and write it upside down so you can read it when you look down.

My little Dora doll! Doesn't she kind of look like Dora? Precious, precious, precious.

Why you gotta be so cool?

Oh my goodness, this little boy is hilarious. We were talking about music one day and he was like, "I love Shakira." "I like her too," I said. All of a sudden he starts singing every Shakira song. With hand motions. Brilliant, just brilliant.

Two stories about this little guy. He's a sweetheart.
Yesterday we were drawing things with numbers. He was drawing money and grabbed my hand and said, "Will you draw African Lincoln on this coin." And I paused for a minute and said, "Abraham Lincoln?" And he responded, "Yess please! African Lincoln, African Lincoln."
So I drew a picture of African Lincoln of course.

Also yesterday, Ms. Anne was beginning to teach a lesson and all the kids were chatting. I was trying to quiet the talking when this little guy goes, "I like your shoes" (I had my Asics on). That's okay buddy, keep talking.

I love them.
And I love you.
And I love sleep.

Night guys!

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