
Monday, September 20, 2010

Wall-E and where your money will go...

Today was a rest day so I don't have any running updates. Kristen so kindly invited me to do an "easy" Wii Fit workout with her. Easy is in quotations because it was not easy. I've never been so frustrated with a little cartoon character in my life- except for maybe Wall-E. I paid 10 bucks to watch a robot play in trash for 2 hours. Really? Really!? I digress...

So, I wanted to do a post on where the money you donate will go. I always wonder this question when I drop coins into a donation jar at the checkout counter or are asked by the cashier if I want to donate one dollar to the If-You-Don't-Give-A-Dollar-Everyone-In-Line-Will-Think-You-Are-An-Evil-Selfish-Monster Association of America. And, I'm here to answer your question. It won't be going towards a volunteer lounge or a pizza party... for the volunteers (a couple ideas of mine), it'll go directly towards making Heart House an even better place for the kids...

Towards books, art supplies, school supplies, snacks, tables and chairs (for the new program at Wildflower Apartments), towards toys for recess and games and puzzles and flash cards and fresh boxes of Crayons. Don't you just love being the first one to open up a box of crayons and see all the perfectly pointed ends? Maybe I'm a little too passionate about this heavenly moment...

What stuck with me when I went to the volunteer orientation was when the volunteer coordinator, Jane (who is amazing) said that the volunteers shouldn't eat the snacks because Heart House barely has enough for the kids. And, for some of them, this is one of the few times they will get to eat during the day. So, although animal crackers are my most favorite thing in the world, I have restrained myself. Gold star for Sterl. What Jane said stuck with me, and I hope the money we raise will go towards getting the best freaking snacks that I can never eat.

Jane said I could make suggestions as to what the donation goes towards. Do you guys have any ideas?

Well, off to watch Wall-E. Psyche. I'd rather do another round of Wii fit than hear his nasally wail- "Eeeevaaa"

Peace out girl scouts... and boy scouts.


  1. STERL. literally obsessed with your blog.. keep on posting!!! LOVE the video hahaha miss you so much. KEEP ON RUNNING, TOO! so proud of you this is awesome. . donation on the way. . .

  2. Sterl,

    Why don't you ask the kids what their favorite activities (or snacks) are and fund those? This is money YOU'VE raised and, while it would be great to get something the staff will find useful, I know how you love seeing the kids happy.

    Give them a say in it and it will mean more to them. Tell them that these crayons, games, etc. were bought with money raised for them. Not only will these supplies be more popular, but the kids will cherish and not waste them because they will feel a sense of ownership. (They helped pick them out, after all.)

    As an educator, I know any donation is wonderful. The truth is, furniture and daily supplies drain a budget quickly and leave little room for the "icing on the cake", the stuff that makes life a little sweeter.

    Give them the icing, Sterling!

    Love you,

  3. HI STERL!!!!!! hahahaha "the best freaking snacks that I can never eat" - you are the cutest. tonight i went for a run!!!! i think it was like AT LEAST a mile! probably like a mile and a half.. maybe. i thought of you :) the girl i was running with was SO FAST it was definitely like my high-energy run the entire way. not my typical jog. but i reallly needed to do a hardcore workout tonight since i typically only work out once a week..... so i went to the gym afterwards and did some abs (megha would be so proud of me! so many planks!) and arms and lunges and calves = yahhhh legit!! omg my mom and louisa might come visit me this weekend! totally unexpected but i'm really excited and it made me realize that you really have to visit soon because i think i really am going to like hosting visitors and showing them around and what i do with my life (and when you come i can make you go to class with me!!!! so intriguing, right??)

    okay more about your blog - i never saw wall-e, so i can't relate but you make me really glad i never got around to it. i neeeed to donate to your cause! or at least get my parents to haha because my allowance gets spent pretty much entirely.. when i come home for breaks (middle of october i will be home!) can i go on a run with you? i'm going to be even more out of shape at that point so you might have to tone down how hardcore you are but i really want to be a part of this even if it is a little baby part! okay i LITERALLY did not open a book tonight (deja vu high school wahhh except now i am failing) so i need to just go to sleep, but i love you! and want to call you tomorrow around 3pm again! xx
