Besides rock stars
and sexy fake football players

I have a total crush on these guys...

at the Apple Genius Bar.
Steve Jobs' little minions
My link to the man himself.
How cute are they, with their little faux hawks.
Anyways, I went into the Apple store today to purchase
a new ipod nano (because of... Columbus Day... in two weeks).
Don't worry, I used just a little of the donation money. Just Kidding.
I repeat, just kidding. Not funny. Too soon. Anyways...
the Genius who was helping me was also a runner (potential boyfriend? I thinkk soo. He was also seventy. And married. But those are just semantics in today's society, right?)
Genius: Can I help you ma'am?
Me: (Flirty giggle) Yeah, I was wondering if I could get a red Nano?
Genius: You sure can.
He whisked me over to a computer and deftly typed in his top-secret codes, all the while keeping a light-hearted, witty, dare I say, flirtatious conversation going.
Genius: So are you a runner?
Me: Yep
Genius: What races have you run?
Me: I haven't run any yet (hair flip), but I'm training for the White Rock Half.
Genius: Oh, that's a fun one. I use to run. Did White Rock a couple times.
Me: Wow. (lip purse)
Genius: So what's the farthest you've run?
Me: Just 4 miles so far.
Genius: You better get goin' girlie.
Yes, Genius. Thank you.
At this point, he asked for my email.
For checkout/promotional purposes, unfortunately.
And I left- with a new Nano the color of my broken heart.
LOL LOL LOL it's funny every time i read it. miss you. :)