
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Someone in Canada is reading my blog.

That's kind of cool, eh?

Right now I'm watching the 21st Chilean miner come up from the mine (the one with the mistress and wife... dramaaa)

My diet coke addiction has gotten out of control. I started drinking with my cereal this morning... so I've decided I'm going to drink 3 a day for the next week and 2 the following week and then reassess. How moderate does that sound? Yeah, that's probably why it won't happen. Steps of an addiction- denial, acceptance, blah, blah... looks like I'm workin' the steps. The problem is there is normally a big ass speed bump between acceptance and doing something about it that I can just never really get over.

Okay, so, I ran 4 miles this morning and then went to a yoga class at the YMCA. Guess which one was harder?
Wrong, the yoga class. The run was bliss... in comparison. The average age was seventy (this calculation includes the woman teaching the class. I was, what you call, an outlier). You know the saying 'pride comes before a fall?' Mmm, yeah- it's true.
I walk into the class, still flushed from the run, with my Asics on and a running chip tied to my laces- which just screams hardcore athlete, and assess my competition peers. I quickly conclude I have this class in the bag.

So, there was the pride.
here comes the fall...

Starting with downward dog. My palms are sweating, I'm shaking, and I'm scared the muscles in my shins are going to pop out of the skin. I'm slipping off the mat and the teacher is telling me to "widen my hands and my stance and lift my hips and lengthen my neck and extend my back and push my shoulders down and align my hips and mmm does this not feel so good." She asks this not as a question, but as a statement- like this should feel so good. Grunts of agreement sound around the room, but I don't grunt because that would take too much effort and, unlike all my suck up peers, I do not agree. Throughout the class Blanche and Fay and Gertrude are applauded for their excellent warrior poses. I'm applauded for my... effort. Why don't you just say I suck? Supposedly, I have a tight back, neck, calves, hip-flexers, hamstrings, and shoulders- yes, thank you, I felt that.
My ankles are flexible though, woohoo.

Why did I put myself through this misery? Because I read an article about novice runners who underestimate the importance of stretching and end up hurting themselves...
I think I may take my chances on this one.


  1. What about the freaking 6.2 MILE long run you did on Sunday?? You need to give yourself some props!!! :) I hate those old ladies at yoga...they make me feel so inferior.

  2. Sterling, You know how avid a runner my dad is (ran distance of the equator: 27902 miles). Several years ago, his doctor (or trainer?) suggested he take yoga to alleviate his stiff muscle syndrome that athletes get. Because of yoga, he is more flexible and has lengthened his stride, making him a more efficient runner. He happened to be the only male in the class, which probably brought him a lot of attention as he is very handsome. :-)

    So, don't give up! I'm proud of all you've done so far, even if you DO suck at yoga. I, on the other hand am very good at yoga, but suck at running. You definitely win!

  3. Hey Sterling-Sandie, Kristen's Mom here. Did you ever hear the saying, "How do you eat an elephant? Answer: One bite at a time." Be patient, good things take time, which means a greater reward. By the way--tell Kristen I used to be one of those "old ladies" in a yoga class--watch it!!!

    Hang in there, you're doing great!
