
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Part 1: Dream Run

Rules for reading the comic
1. Read it slow
2. Read it multiple times
3. Show a friend (In a this-is-the-most-impressive-thing-i've-ever-seen way. Not in a look-how-long-this-loser-spent-drawing-cartoons-of-herself way)
4. Laugh. Hard.


Ok, enjoy my comic...
Part 1: Dream Run


It would be embarrassing If you knew how long that took me... Expect a Part 2 and 3. Not tomorrow, but when I decide I want to spend an entire day playing with the paintbrush tool on the computer.

Anyways, I had an awesome run tonight. For once it didn't feel like I was running through the Sahara and my iphone shuffled up a nice mix. I got lost (obviously), but I hit 3 miles a block away from the house (I walked the rest of the way- don't want to over train, ya know.) Heart House today was hilarious, I'll do a post on it tomorrow.

Later skaters.


  1. That was great, Sterling! You are truly talented. (We'll just forget about your "special needs" in spelling and grammar.)I loved all the detail you put into this and its Pollyanna-ish tone. I hope it all comes true for you! Five minutes a mile?! I have complete and total (and perhaps misguided) faith!

    Heart ya,

  2. Thanks Sterl! That was my laugh of the morning :)

    Keep on dreaming.....

    Love You,

  3. hahaha...never seen any hotties like that while running thru the hood. maybe someday. i'll dream along with you. :) and btw...a 5 min pace?? failed to dream yourself as a Kenyan. :) love the are all those things (AND MORE) your dream spectators in the car were saying.

  4. i meant bike spectators. i need sleep. all this running is making my brain total mush.

  5. I AM LITERALLLLY IN LOVE WITH YOU. hahahaha "nice shoes! must be from dick's!" sterl you are my idol (even though you did NOT answer my phone call today) but it is okay. i guess our new main form of communication is via my comments on your rockin blog. so. updates on my my life since your blog updates me on yours. got my econ exam back (and the TA wasn't there which i consider a blessing! although i did try to look decent looking today!) and i got a B- and am like ehhhhh about it because it is my hardest class but a B- beats the F i got in calc!!!! and last night a boy asked me to a frat formal which is on friday. more deets on that if you call me. and louisa and my mom are visiting me tomorrow-saturday YAYYYY last minute visits! YOU ARE NEXT!!!!! i love you sweet girl, keep up the amazing job running and with the blog :)

  6. That's really funny. I like your long-hyphenated-as-though-it-were-one-word bent. One question, though: why does the dude in your dream have autopsy marks on his belly?
