
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fear: Noun

An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Example sentence: My 10 mile run tomorrow is causing me great fear.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight.
Historically, anxiety-producing events have caused me to lose sleep.
Example one- my first debate tournament freshmen year.
Example two- my first (and second and third and fourth...) time at sleep away camp.
Example three- my family's summer vacation to Pakistan. (Great idea, Mom)

I wouldn't be as nervous if my short runs hadn't been so terrible this week.
My ipod's shuffle sucked. I kept getting side stitches. Amy Grant kept coming on. I wore long sleeves when it was hot. I wore short sleeves when it was cold. I sweated profusely in to my eyes. My hair kept getting in my face. I ran slow when I thought I was running fast. I got lost. I got blisters. I got frustrated. I got depressed. I ran a 13 minute mile (I think you could crawl a 13 minute mile.) AND my running partner hurt her leg and can't run right now.
Morale is low, my friends.
Things are looking bleak...

Chelsea Lately just wasn't as funny tonight.
I don't feel like staying up to watch Saturday Night Live.
Stalking strangers on facebook has lost it's appeal.
A Diet Coke doesn't sound delicious.
Ke$ha makes me annoyed.
Comics are not funny.
And I really think I could use some yoga breathing exercises right now... WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?

I'm going to bed.
Let me be more specific. I'm laying under my blanket in a state of panic as the ticking bedside clock ominously strikes each passing second.

Good night.


  1. Something smells like"stinkin' thinkin'" here, Sterling! You can do it!!! You are AWESOME! You have cute running shoes! Your have red hair again! You're so ethpethially thuper at lithping! (Watch Cassie on youtube, so you can kick today's run in the athk!)

    I wasn't going to resort to this, but desperate times call for desperate measures...

    I with I wath a fith,
    I with I wath a fith,
    I'd thwim and thwim
    The deep blue thea,
    I with I wath a fith.

    I with I wath a thafethy pin,
    I with I wath a thafethy pin,
    I'd rutht and rutht
    'Til everything butht,
    I with I wath a thafethy pin.

    I with I wath thum thlime,
    I with I wath thum thlime,
    I'd ooth and ooth
    In everyoneth thoose,
    I with I wath thum thlime.

    I with I wathn't a thimp,
    I with I wathn't a thimp,
    I'd thing a thong
    That had thum thense,
    I with I wathn't a thimp.

    Love ya! Don't make me kick your athk!

  2. i feel your pain, sister. the sickest part is that, in my state of injury, i am envious of your scary run. wish i was doing it with you. i plan to run today, but it will be weak and pathetic...your run will rock and i will be jealous of your preparedness for the trot and the half. when you sleep soundly before the races, i will be shaking in my running shoes and praying the med van doesn't have to scoop me up off the side of the road.

  3. awww shterlingg :( i am sure you survived (i don't cheat and read the blog in reverse and i am a few posts behind) BUT considering i was texting you yesterday, i think you made it!!!! we'll seeee. also, i'm in town and haven't seen you.. and last night i didn't do anything... i should have been with you..
