
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ohhh man...

This deserves two peace signs
and an upside down one...
Das right...
^Note the lack of fingers to illustrate my mileage^

It took 1 hour, 56 minutes, 56 seconds and a gnarly porta potty stop, but I finished.

I was planning on running 10 miles, and that's what I set off thinking I would do. You see, I've memorized a three mile loop and a two mile loop. I ran the three mile loop 3 times and ran half of the two mile loop and then decided to just finish it instead of stopping and walking the rest of the way.

Maybe it's because I was dreading it so bad or because the short runs this week have been horrible, but today's run was... nice. Fun is too strong a word. But, nice, nice fits.

I'll blog more about it manana. I'm watching Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Kristen and I are watching all of the old movies before the new one comes out in t minus 5 days) and I must concentrate.


  1. It was my lithping post, wasn't it? You totally kicked that run's athk!!! Way to go, my friend! You can do anything now!

    I'm so impressed by your ruthless masochism (and embarrassingly curious about the potty stop).

  2. soooooo proud and impressed with you. the student becomes the teacher....

    love you. <3

  3. YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!! I'M SO IMPRESSED!!! teach me your waaays you are sososooo legit :) i love youu
